Brayflox's Longstop

Brayflox's Longstop

Level 32


Eastern La Noscea (X:14, Y:24)

The Things We Do for Cheese

After a tiring journey across Eorzea, it is deep within the quiet jungles of Raincatcher Gully where the charismatic and enterprising young goblin, Brayflox Alltalks, chooses to build her tiny empire. What she does not realize, however, it that something else -something sinister- has also made the lush forest its home. Now driven from their rightful(?) claim, Brayflox and her brethren seek to retake the land, and are not above asking the help of lesser races (that would be you) to help them do so.  


Great Yellow Pelican

The Great Yellow Pelican, a colossal bird, serves as the initial boss of Brayflox's Longstop. Throughout the encounter, it has the ability to summon a group of small birds known as Violet Back. It is crucial to swiftly eliminate these birds before their numbers become too overwhelming for the party. Furthermore, the Pelican possesses the capability to poison the tank.

Inferno Drake

Inferno Drake is a drake that breathes fire and should be avoided by both casters and melee dps due to its AoE cone attack. During the encounter, Brayflox will come across Tempest Biast, a drake, who will chase after him and enter the boss room. The strategy is to eliminate the smaller drake first in order to rescue Brayflox, and then focus on defeating the Inferno Drake.


Hellbender, a massive amphibian creature, engages in combat by periodically trapping one of the party members in a bubble. It is crucial to swiftly eliminate the bubble to free the imprisoned teammate. Additionally, Hellbender occasionally uses a move called "Peculiar Light" which inflicts "Magic Vulnerability Up" on any affected players. As Hellbender's life nears its end, the dragon Aiatar swoops in and devours the amphibian. Players must attack Aiatar until its HP drops to approximately 50%, at which point it will flee from the battle.

Deep Jungle Coeurl

The Deep Jungle Coeurl is an optional mini-boss that possesses an AoE attack. It is crucial to quickly move away from the large red circle appearing on the ground in order to evade the attack.


In Brayflox's Longstop, the main boss is Aiatar, a giant green dragon who confronts your party in his lair. The tank must watch out for a tankbuster attack, indicated by a red marker. Throughout the battle, Aiatar will release small AoEs that form green rocks, which rapidly expand and explode. It is important to find a safe spot without any rocks. After some time, additional green rocks will appear, so it is crucial to avoid them after the initial ones explode. Aiatar also performs a line AoE attack in the direction he faces, so positioning him away from the party is necessary. Healers have the ability to use Esuna and cure poison from any party member.
